Friday, February 17, 2012


Well we are still looking for a car seat for Jewel.
I found this great blog just on car seats!
We are looking into the possibility of getting Jewel the Roosevelt car seat.
Check out this amazing blog just on car seats;

cerebral palsy does not define you

Jewel had a lovely 11th birthday with her family, Aunties, and her friend Ava.
She received a wonderful piece of original Art by Sophie, it is a drawing of Jewel and her dog Grace.
Ava gave her dragon books and the Aunties gave her dolly clothes.
Jewel loves events to be simple where she is able to converse and socialize one on one.

Lately when Jewel wakes up, she opens her eyes, smiles and says; "oh yeah!"  What a fitting welcome to each new day!

Sophie has a exceptional calender of original Art workt, that she put out at Christmas.  is where you can get more information on this amazing artist and all the proceeds of the sales go to the Domus Project which helps the homeless.  Please check out both these sites. Sophie's Art can stand alone as great work but when you realize that Sophie is non-mobile and that she needs a lot of assistance, she is doing the "impossible" by her determination and passion for Art. is Sophie's Art web site.  Sophie has cerebral palsy and is non verbal but she has never let that stop her from living a fullfilled life.  She has never let her cerebral palsy limit her or define her.  She is my hero and inspiration.  Sophie gives me hope, thank you Sophie!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Happy 11th birthday sweet Jewel!

How wonderful to be at a place where all my children are healthy.  Every day is a gift  with 86,4000 seconds given to us each day .... to hone our skills, to be kinder, to find our purpose and once these seconds are gone, they are gone forever.  My desire is to rise up to each occasion and live my life with integrity and love for we will not have the exact opportunity again.
A few weeks ago someone asked me, "what the prognosis was for Jewel, how long did she have to live?"  I did not like the line of questioning since Jewel was sitting on my lap at a barbeque, so I removed my self from this person and tried to calm my nerves.  I was not ready for that kind of questioning.... but since then I have an answer.  Jewel will live a long and prosperous life, full of meaning and love.   That is my wish for Jewel and all the special needs children / people out there.  Our lives are richer and more meaningful because of you <3  Jewel has taught us how to be more patient, compassionate and always reaching a little higher to achieve a goal, dreaming a little bigger  and digging a little deeper into our souls.  Thank you Jewel for just being you!  May God bless and keep you in His perfect care always.

Jewel has been up super early, and is calling, "wake up" to her sisters.
"I am eleven" and yes Jewel you are an amazing eleven year old, now lets go enjoy our day given to us :]

car·pe di·em/ˌkärpā ˈdēˌem/

Used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.