7/18/13 Wednesday
So much time has gone by since our last post, and our family has done a lot of living, loving and learning.
I have been focusing on being more present with all of my children, especially as the older two prepare to go off to college. This time together will help our family as we shift into the next season of our lives- living away from each other for the first time.
I want to share about ABM, Anat Baniel Method.
Anat's book is called; Kids Beyond Limits. This book is a must read because it is full of hope and practical application. I am loving each page as I dissect and memorize the teachings and lessons shared.
"Movement is life; without movement life is unthinkable"-Moshe Feldenkrais
I only learned about ABM recently and shortly after everything fell into place for Jewel to see a practitioner that does ABM. It all started when I was cleaning one of my client's Villa last month. She is a doctor and recommended Anat Baniel's book to me.
I began researching and found Anat's site and videos. I watched every video that I could find on youtube of Anat Baniel working with special needs children. Her method seemed very organic and holistic. I felt comfortable learning about this method-a stark contrast with how I felt while researching the hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
I am a member of many groups on facebook and so I started asking parents what they thought of ABM? Had they tried it? What were their results? I then ordered the children's seminar dvd from Anat's website (10hrs long) and ordered her book from Amazon. While checking the facebook page of cp daily living Michele told me that an ABM practitioner was coming to Oahu. Within two days it all came together; purchased three tickets to Oahu (one for me, Jewel, and Makena). I brought Makena along to help and learn, for two is better than one, and I just didn't think I could do it on my own since Gary had to be home with Raven for her GED test. I had enough funds for the 10 sessions / lessons (two a day). And my sister in law found a dear friend of hers who was willing to put us up and loan his car to us for the duration of the stay.
We stayed in Kaneohe and the practitioner was in Waimanalo. That side of the island was so beautiful and peaceful. We hung out at the beach in-between lessons and ate peanut butter and guava banana sandwiches, drank lots of water, played and lived slowly. We shared dinners with our hosts and ate left overs. The visiting practitioner, VK made the prices very affordable for families.
Going to Oahu I had no ideas, limitations, attachments or expectations. We just went to see if this gentle method could help Jeweliana. I share our journey and path to ABM with joy in my heart, hoping it will help some family.
The sessions / lessons brought calm to Jewel's body, leaving each time with less spasticity and tightness. I was a bit sad coming back home for there is no support for continued lessons. It was a bit of the post ABM blues. But today Jewel's P/T who does Myofascial release on her said that she has never seen Jewel's hands so relaxed and her head with such control! Whoop!
Then her O/T said the same thing later that day, adding that Jewel has never weight bared on her hands and knees like she did today!
Yesterday our chiropractor got to work on Jewel's back for the first time because she tolerated lying on her tummy! :)
I am so encouraged by these visible improvements.
Will these connections / gains stay? I hope so.
I am still reading Anat's book with diligence and trying to implement all that I learn. Today and yesterday we painted with water colored pencils on her knees and toes, hoping to bring her attention to her body. I am trying to keep it light and fun, with an open mind and full heart.
Thank you Anat Baniel and thank you VK for this gift of learning with possibilities of miracles.
May the lessons of living life to our fullest potential continue, and my prayer is for all children with special needs to be able to get ABM lessons.
Love is always the answer <3