Aloha, I am a mother of three wonderful daughters. I am sharing parts of our personal journey with my youngest daughter, Jewel. Jewel has been given the label cerebral palsy. I hate labels. I am striving to help Jewel become more independant, to help her realize her gifts, talents, goals and dreams. We want her to reach her full potential in her own unique way. We discover our course daily, as we homeschool and live or lives as a team. I rely on every one to pitch in and help with Jewel. I hope that I can help some family through my honest sharing. I do not know everything, I am just trying to find what is best for Jewel. She is on no medication or pharmaceutical drugs. My goal is to keep my children safe and healthy, to love them and for them to know that they are loved. I do not like invasive 'help' as a first, second or third choice. If I can help Jewel with natural aids then this is tha path we will take.