I trust that we are doing the very best for Jewel. The right people who can help her are in her life and as needed will come into her life. I do not want to always be thinking that the grass is greener somewhere else. When I watched The Horse Boy documentary, I realized that most of us can not just pack up and go to the ends of the earth. We have to pray to see the help that is here around us. Become aware and ask for help. I do not want a lot of the help that most people get. We home school our children, we do not subscribe to all the drugs and medicine that is out there. If one of our children needs medicine or surgery, we check every other stone out there to check out all the options. If we can go natural and non invasive that will always be our first choice. I had a friend tell me that I am making my choices for Jewel based on pride and fear. I have looked at this and some times fear based choices are appropriate and I am certain that my family is doing what is best for Jewel at this time. I do not see how strangers in a class room can do better than what we are doing for her. We honor the complete child; soul/spirit/body/mind. I know Jewel best and I am confident in this. We love our children. They are happy, healthy children who are loved and are able to love. They know they are loved.
A hand full of people keep telling me to take her into the ocean. I understand that the ocean is healing and full of good ions. Beware of good advise and never parent out of guilt. For guilt is useless. I am doing the best that I can and going into the ocean every day with Jewel is just not where we are at. Yes water does relax her but we are working on foundational movement to crawling and strength training for riding Cookie Dough. I know that all these people give advise out of good intentions, but they would not last long in my shoes. They would farm Jewel out to school, rasped care and other care givers and services. I am proud to stay that for the past ten years we as a family have cared for Jewel's every needs. We pay for the O/T, speech, P/T and dentist, doctors of our choice all out of pocket. I respect these professionals who have dedicated their lives helping children like Jewel. I am eternally grateful for their help and aid. They have come alongside us in this tremendous and worthwhile journey called life. Life is such a gift. So unless you are able to put your money where your mouth is and help a family, be careful of judging them, giving them unsolicited advise. Unless you are willing to help take Jewel to the beach, why don't you just go to the beach. My father has never helped pay for any of her medical care yet he always says, " is she every going to walk!". The answer is YES Dad, and to everyone else. JEWEL WILL WALK! They said she would never nurse and she did for four years, they said she would always need oxygen assistance and she was off this after a month at home! I am not gonna listen to the unbelieving and the small minded and the negative words of whomever. I believe in miracles, in things yet not seen :) Jewel is a miracle and a gift. Thank you God for Jewel! My children are a gift!
I have learnt to delight in them. Jewel belongs to so many, for so many carry her in their heart as they believe with me for her health, stability & mobility. So many have prayed for her during my pregnancy and in the hospital and during her life thus far. The greatest gift one can give for another is to pray goodness for them. Thank you for all the prayers. Keep praying, keep believing, never tire from doing this sacred work.
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