Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Temple Grandin

5/24/11  Tuesday
I have been slowly trying to get up earlier each morning.   I used to get up very early and stay up very late, not so good burning the candle at both ends.  So I decided to stay up late to connect with the big girls and wake up a little later, but now that summer daylight is upon us and camp just around the corner I think it is time to start waking up at 5am again.
I decided I would like to print this blog out into a soft book for Jewel and maybe write a bit more about all girls so as to be keeping a little something for all of them to read.  This blog has been a nice way to carve a little time out for myself and work to clear out my head.  Raven said it is definitely too long to be a blog and I'd get more hits if it were shorter.  I just figure it will find the people it needs to find and that is good enough for me. :)

Thank you Buck for lending us your DVD, Temple Grandin.
An excellent film and true story, it is nice to know that Temple Grandin lives to day!  Wow, too cool!
My favorite line in the movie, 'Different but not less!'
Temple Grandin, autism was her challenge, life was her triumph.
What are you waiting for go rent the movie already, or get it gently used off of e-bay or amazon for just dollars!!!
Temple Grandin has her own book and web site for autism and aspergers so go check it out,

Raven made a "Dream list";
Jewel 5/18/11  -"I want to be a movie star"
Raven 5/18/11 -"To print my script"
Makena 5/18/11 -"To film a movie in 2011"

 "We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once"- Friedrich Nietzche


  1. I am very happy to loan you the video and delighted you found it both entertaining and rewarding. Temple's life is indeed an incredibly inspiring story. Watching her on TED is great pleasure. Another incredible story is that of Carly Fleischmann, a totally nonverbal autistic teenager. I'm not going to say why she is amazing, just watch this video.


  2. Thank you so much buddy, you to are a great inspiration Buck! I will check out the other info and sites you left. We are glad to know you :) -Ivana
