Saturday, July 2, 2011

Great ride Ba-loo

Jewel wants to say,"Great ride Ba-loo", yes she rode in the 4th of July parade and thank you for your prayers.  It all went well.  All the plans changed, from her not riding Cookie Dough because he is sick, to riding a paint horse called Flash. Flash has great big blue eyes, so it is only natural that Jewel call him, Ba-loo. :)  Since this horse is not as old or as bomb proof as Cookie Dough the owner, Aunty Kandi decided to lead him herself and she requested that Aunty Cindy be Jewel's back rider for safety reasons.  Raven was the right side walker and Aunty Carrie the left side walker.  I walked in the rear with Jewel's empty wheelchair.  I thought of those, gone fishing signs and I wished I had made a sign for her empty wheel chair that said, gone riding where my legs can not take me.  I was very emotional and hid my teared up eyes behind my sunglasses.  I felt a kaleidoscope of emotions from, fear, joy, terror, ecstasy ...I do not remember seeing the crowd for my complete energy and focus was on Jewel and the horse's every move.  Jewel did not end up wearing her helmet for it was chocking her from the beginning of the ride, all the excitement of the parade kicked up her high tone and it wrestled with her almost the whole ride of the parade.  I wish I knew how to help her gain more neck control and how she would be able to wear a helmet, this would rest my mind and heat.  I let go and trusted that she was in good capable hands of the Almighty and her Aunties.  Jewel has been raised on prayers, since in utero we have been praying for her and so have many others.  I have shared her with so many who have prayed for her.  This was another time to let go and allow her dreams with out limits to come to fruition.  There are so many safety variables that it is almost exhausting when you realize most of them and I was almost ready to back out and say no thank you.  It all went by too fast and after I was able to exhale.  I took a long nap when we got home for I was totally drained and thankful for Jewel's dream come true and grateful that the parade was over.  There were so many friend from different arenas in our community that came to support Jewel  ride and I am overjoyed for the support.  Thank you!


  1. Congratulations on a spectacular and heart warming success. Jeweliana had a dream and you made it happen. All of us had a little (OK, a LOT) of apprehension about pulling this off. The last minute switch of horses was of great concern. However, it all went fantastic because you Ivan, are an excellent and spectacular mother to your 3 daughters. Your courage, strength and devotion made it happen. Congratulations on hitting a game winning grand slam home run with great coverage in the Maui News and on Facebook.

  2. (: Thank you! It was a dream come true for all of us. What will Jewel dream of next?
