Wednesday, July 6, 2011

summer days

7/6/11 Wednesday
Our days have been filled with the fun that summer brings, though we are striving to keep consistent it the repetitive sharpening of Jewel's skills.  Repetition can be cumbersome so we aim to keep the repetitiveness short and fun.  How can we top July 2nd, horse back riding in the parade,  we can't but each gain is just as important and as big a celebration.  We are working on eye tracking and have made some progress, though there is a lot more work to be done in this area.  Tracking is precursor to most of our physical activities movements, even eating.  Our friend Buck left a surprise by our front door for Jewel, it was a soft light saber type wand for safely celebrating the fourth of July.  Thank you Buck, Jewel loves it, and feels very special.  We went to our friend's house for dinner on the 4th and Jewel did not enjoy the smoke or the noise from the fireworks.  Jewel enjoyed the social aspect and the food.  She liked our friends telling her they saw her in the parade or in the newspaper.  I am working on applying for another grant for therapy.  Jewel has made some grate gains with her speech homework, with lip closure and relaxation exercises.  Relaxation enables Jewel to relax enough to breath deeply, motor plan and follow through.  With out relaxation she can hardly do anything, we use no medication for relaxation so she must learn to get to that place herself, and each time she gets there a little faster.  Frozen otto pops are great for practicing lip closure, and liquid control.  We continue to work in the gait trainer and it is a hot day today that has brought Jewel some frustration.  She has listened to Alice in wonderland and Freaky Friday, unabridged cds from the library.  These audio books have brought Jewel great pleasure.  Tomorrow Raven will be 17, my how time flys!  Happy birthday Raven girl, we love you xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted you and Jeweliana enjoy the foam light stick. I thought she might be left out if the other kids were playing with sparklers, or somebody would have to hold her hand and keep it far away from her body. Also, sparklers can be a little scary. However, she can handle the foam light stick by herself and not get hurt. Plus she would have something the other kids didn't have.

    I'm also a fanatical audiobook fan. Have been for about 20 years. Sure is handy to download from the library website. I even have access to a few mainland e-libraries because I'm wearing out the Hi state library.

    Best wishes for continued successes.
