Missed some days.
We had a lovely P/T session today, story books are made up of sessions like this.
Carol is a seasoned P/T and her love for pediatric work shows.
She used to work with Jewel when she was just a wee thing.
It is nice to have Carol back in Jewel's life.
We applied for a home school scholarship to aid with this therapy with the P/T.
We applied and received some money for this, thank you!!!
We applied and received some money for this, thank you!!!
We belong to HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association.
They have a branch of the Home School Foundation to assist families like ours, we applied for some assistance and we were allotted some funds, which have helped Jewel make some gains, for which we are very grateful for.
Our session with Carol was amazing. Carol always works on stretching Jewel and uses myofascial release for this. She measured Jewel for a gait trainer, brought information regarding different choices in gait trainers. We discussed this, she did a lot of research for Jewel, which I appreciate. It is unavoidable to love the therapists, there is a bond that one can not avoid. Carol worked with Jewel's AFOs, ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) they still need some work, so we will let Shriners Children's Hospital know. The P/T did walking and dancing with Jewel, so much great work transpired and Jewel was willing to work! She actually said "no" because she did not want to stop! We used the full length mirror as an aid for the therapist to see Jewels posture and appealed to Jewel's vanity to give eye gazed into her eyes in the mirror.
Here is a link to find a Shriners Children's Hospital in your area;
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