Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Myofascial Release

It all started off being another good day,... somehow as the day progressed,"play dolly", and "play Barbie" was not satisfied.
Dolly withdrawals and great sadness set in, announced with big tears.
Jewel had an hour P/T, physical therapy session with Carol. An awesome session in spite Jewel being so tearful. Myofascial Release is what Carol worked on. It involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue. This helps Jewel a lot, there is trust in this relationship since Jewel has known Carol for many years.
The use of Myofascial Release allows Carol to work on Jewel's proper body mechanics, and release and body awareness.
Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is a hands on treatment, performed directly on the skin without oils, creams or machinery. " This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia."
Carol is helping us pick out a piece of equipment. We are looking at gait trainers, she has it narrowed down to two; the Mulholland Walkabout and Prime engineering's KidWalk. So much to consider, both come in a close tie but only one choice can be made.
Any thoughts on these specific items are welcomed.

Our occupational therapy, O/T session with Crystal was awesome as usual. She came early and got to speak with Carol, catch up on information about Jewel and the Gait Trainer, which is important for Jewel's team to do!

Jewel is watching Tangled for the third time, she loves watching her movies over and over.

I researched taking the iodine (kelp) supplements, and spoke to some one who worked for the clean up for Three Mile Island. They said do not take any supplements, unless told to. They can do harm to the thyroid and pituitary glands, some damage could be irreversible. So parents eat fresh sea vegetables and that is all. Some children's multivitamins have trace amounts of iodine and this is safe.

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