Aloha :))
It has been a few days, Jewel is recovering nicely from her cold.
She said,"hate sick"! Don't we all!
I am a mother of three, I do not know everything, nor do i prescribe doing it my way. I do not offer medical advise nor am I a physician.
I am just sharing a glimpse of our journey, our life, what we use, what we believe, and hope it encourages you and inspires you on your journey. Raising a special needs child is the same as raising a regular child, and is not the same as anything that you have every done. It is a mixed plate to the extreme, but a worthy journey and full of life, love and surprises.
I am still using; Black Elderberry from Gaia Herbs, 1tsp in the morning and one in the evening, this boosts the immune system.
I gave Jewel honey on demand and throat coat tea, room temperature.
She has been craving apple juice and we got some from the health food store, usually she just drinks water. Both Raven and Jewel seem to crave apple juice when they are sick.
I gave her Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup with Echinacea as directed on bottle for two days. Then I dropped this and used Umcka cold care for children as directed on bottle. She has gone to bed early 8pm since she said,"tired". Usually she goes to bed at 9pm, she has always gone to sleep late and never naps. She has slept well the past few nights, and has not skipped a beat with her food. This child enjoys her food.
I have found Chestal honey by Boiron is good for coughs and gives her relief. I have used this in the past. Jewel is doing much better and this means, so are we.
Jewel got to go to a princess barbie birthday party. She was so excited, picked out the Barbie with tea party accessories from the store. She arrived in her purple party dress and her Barbie ready to play. Her sisters came dressed with their Barbies as well, I guess you are never to old to dress up and play Barbies! This is Jewel's sixth birthday party that she has been invited to and she was thrilled to join in the festivities. Thank you Hazed, we all had fun at your party xx
Monday brought another Hippo-therapy session with Crystal our O/T. First we feed all the horses, except Cookie Dough because we have to soak his food for a while. Then we clean all the water troughs and fill them with fresh water. We clean Cookie Doughs hoofs and we brush him so he looks even more handsome, we hug him and love on him. Then we saddle him up. He loves his job with Jewel and we appreciate him a lot! xox
It was amazing as usual, Crystal got Jewel from limp doll to a girl sitting upright on a horse.
Makena filmed the session with our new $200 video recorder. We hope this footage will help us transition when Crystal leaves the Island in the end of April. The second half of the session the O/T got off the horse, took the saddle off and Jewel rode solo just on her bare back pad. Raven led Billy aka Cookie Dough and Crystal and I were side walkers. Crystal and I gave little physical support but a lot of verbal encouragement and a little stimulation down her spine. Jewel did very well, it was exhausting work for her but well worth the effort, she slept soundly that evening. Cookie Dough stepped on Raven's foot, poor thing, she was brave and tried hard not to cry but it hurt a lot. He is old and stumbles a lot and seems to have lead feet, but we love him lots.
On Sunday we got to hang with good friends. We relax and eat, swim and talk about good books. I am blessed to know and have such lovely friends. My heart delights in them and it is what sustains me and keeps me sane. Thank you friends xox
A few people I know are eating kelp, sea weed, taking kelp capsules for combating the possible radiation from Japan. I have not done any of this for my girls, I hope and pray that we will be fine.
We got Jewel's Doctor and her O/T to write a letter for the horse owners, stating that Jewel rides Billy aka Cookie Dough for therapeutic use only, we hope it will bring a tax break for these generous owners who have so graciously allowed Jewel to ride Billy.
We are still having problems with Jewel's AFOs; skin break down at heel and ankle. It is such an art to get her shoes that do not hurt her feet!
Life is busy, work is keeping me. Wish I could just stay home full time and have an income, maybe there will be a season for that again.
Take care and delight in your children no matter the diagnosis. Remember you are not alone.
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