Worms ^-^ Grace the companion dog has worms.
Off to the Vet to get medicine. She has tape worm :(
Went to the chiropractor, I clean his office with Raven for trade in his services. He works on Jewel after.
Her hip was out and I am tankful that he put it back in. Trades are awesome, especially when your budget is tight.
We went with Cindy to go riding Cookie Dough, when we got there we found out that he threw a shoe. We can not ride him until he has been re-shooed. So we fed and groomed him and just worked on stationary work with Jewel, pushing off of Cookie Dough. It was very hot and the heat can agitate people with cerebral palsy. Warm water relaxes their muscles but hot weather can agitate them making them more spastic. Shade and cool breezes can help calm their bodies.
Yesterday we had an O/T session with crystal and the new O/T. Transitions.
Even after requesting that the conversation and questioning stay positive, because Jewel gets stressed when the conversation is about her as if she was not even in the room. All this was forgotten and I had a small melt down after the session, I wept. The new O/T is very different and I will have to find a way to make it work. The prerequisite for every therapist has been; they have to be 1. kind, 2. knowledgeable, and 3. believe in miracles.
A special month as Passover and Easter are celebrated.
I believe in the miracles!
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