Friday, April 8, 2011


Thursday, such a full day.
Another amazing 0/t session, which Makena filmed.
We will be reviewing session to learn from. Thank you Crystal

We had a great BBQ at the horses with Kandi and her family,(the owner of the horses), Crystal our O/T, our family, Cindy,(who started Jewel riding, and still rides with her). Taking time to enjoy ourselves and come together was such a gift, especially since Crystal will be leaving our Island. Come 5:30 we were all arriving. Flash the painted horse was out and Aunty Cindy went to pat him and Jewel and I came along side her to say hello to "blue" as Jewel likes to call Flash, since he has blue eyes. Cookie Dough saw this and got jealous, he figured away out of the back pasture and came galloping up to us, showing off, running round the round pen, it was a sight to behold. Especially since he is usually tripping about and slow moving. I guess he had us all fooled. So we gave him some attention and loved on him as well, then put him back in the back pasture to eat his food. Later Cindy put the bare back pad onto Flash and rode with Jewel and as soon as Cookie Dough saw this he made his way back out of the back pasture, only to repeat his vigor for all of us to see. So we dismounted Blue and saddled up Cookie Dough with the bare back pad and took Jewel for a short ride on him, she rode solo and gobbled up all the attention given to her. She loves attention, especially if she knows the person is a real cow boy or cow girl! Thank you dear horses and friends for this exceptional evening of fellowship :)
I encourage you to go out and make some friends, go to a barn that does hippo-therapy, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone. Jewel is always opening doors for me to grow through, thanks Jewel! Thank You Makena and Raven for coming alongside your sister and sharing your love, hearts and world with us! You girls are the best! xxx

Chiropractor session for Jewel.
I clean his office as trade for his services on Jewel.
He worked on her head a lot and the rest of her body.
Jewel trusts Dr. John and all the sessions are usually great, we lightly tickle to distract her when he manipulates and adjusts her. Thank you Dr. John.

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