Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Everything that we need right where we are!

Monday morning 8am
Jimmy worked on Jewel for a good 30 minutes; he worked on her occipital giving her an occipital relies. He said her head was all jammed in. He worked on aligning her hips, worked on her neck and gave her legs a light massage.
She surrender, allowing him to treat her. By the time we left her neck was free and she was relaxed
He said to give her a cap full of minerals from Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality, into cherry juice. so we bought black cherry concentrate from the health food store to put the minerals into. He said keep giving her the Calm water which has magnesium sulphate. He said add flax oil, it is good for the joints, and get some vitamin C. I forgot to ask him if it should be buffered C, I will text him later on this. Jimmy also said to use a tennis ball under her butt and this may help give her some relief, he suggested putting vix on the bottoms of her feet and then put socks on them. He said the base of the foot is where all the pressure points are and the vix is like a menthol / eucalyptus that will help with her congestion.
I was so close to taking Jewel into the doctor's office or emergency room, they would only give her Valium or some antibiotic, not adjust her hips and give her relief from pain by administering a gentle occipital release. This way is more natural and gets to the root of the pain! It is also done in a nurturing and gentle way, his room is small,dimly lit and smells nice with interesting Art objects all around. Thank you Jimmy xx Jimmy never charges us because this is part of his Manna, his spiritual way of giving back.
We are still giving Jewel her tonic that I listed a couple of days ago, we give her 2 teaspoons at a time or a dropper full at a time, it is nasty and hot for her, we call it dragon water, but it does work!

Jewel is back in her stander for 1 hr at a time, this piece of equipment comes from prime engineering, super stand. It aids in weight baring, correct postural support. We have still not worked out her AFO's with the orthotist at Shriners Children's Hospital, but we have decided to make the old ones work, it is better than not going into the stander. To go into the stander, it is recommended to have the AFO's on because it gives a base of proper foot & ankle support. This way Jewel will not pop out her ankle.

Our O/T session was at the horses. Jewel rode for 40min and it was bare back on Cookie Dough. Crystal the O/T did not ride with Jewel, instead she side walked along side the horse giving me instructions how to better help Jewel ride solo on the horse.
Correct posture, positioning and placement of every body part is key. Shoulders need to be supported when arms are stretched out gently. Everything is done gently with intention. Elbows directly under shoulder blades, and hands flat with open palms. We will bring Jewel's soft hand braces next time. I learnt a lot, and the ride was successful, Jewel was mostly facing the horse's rear because he is less bony there and it has a wider base of support for her to weight bare on.

"Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another." - Desmond Tutu

Still working the program, Jewel is much happier and we are all doing better.
Our sanity is directly linked to her well being :))

Went to the horses with Cindy, "Aunty Cindy". It has been a long time since we last went riding with her, she has recently gotten married and looking as beautiful as ever. She is amazing around those horses. She was the reason Jewel gets to ride, thank you Cindy!! Today Flash the painted horse was there. We decided to feed Cookie Dough and use Flash. Flash or Blue as Jewel calls him has watched many sessions, this is how animals learn from each other. (Actually Java, the young Arabian has been watching Cookie Dough work with Jewel. Java just got gelded and his is much sweeter now.) Jewel wore her soft hand braces and yes they did help to open up her hand, for they gently pull her thumb out. Anyways Jewel rode so nicely, solo for 30 minutes and 30 minutes with Cindy as the back rider. It was a sight to see, we all cried with tears of joy. Jewel rode holding her own with Cindy! The sigh was beautiful and Jewel looked like an abled child, just riding with her Aunty. All the "labels and disabilities " melted away. Such a thrilling moment. This moment is the tip of the ice burg, the part you can see. What you can not see is what a large base of ice lies under the water holding that protruding tip out of the water. It has been years of work, love, prayers, believing, dreaming, working, consistent therapy and years of horse back riding with Cindy that has lead up to this moment!
Never give up!

So here is a SHOUT OUT to all the private citizens who open up their barns to help children with disabilities and labels reach/realize/achieve their full potential! THANK YOU! To all the animals who change our lives and love us unconditionally and aid in our healing, thank you!

I hope you all can get your children out into nature and around animals because I believe it is healing for them.
I believe that God has put everything that we need where we are right now, we just have to have eyes to see and ask for what we need. The grass is always greener somewhere else but when you get there you still have the weeds, to water, the work.

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