Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Water therapy and horse therapy

Jewel and her awesome O/T Chrystal!

Photos of Jeweliana horse back riding are from yesterday (4/19) and her swimming in the pool is from last week.
They are stills from the video I shot, but I haven't got to formatting the video and putting it on youtube so it can be embedded in the blog.
Pardon the quality of the photos, my Nikon d700 is cringing, because I usually take much better photos. xP

(click the photos and they will get larger)

Working on keeping Jewel's head up in the proper position.

Jewel loves doing therapy in the hot tub! It helps her muscles relax.

At the steps of the pool, standing on her legs, and working on keeping her head up. :)

Raven is on head control! Don't want Jewel to swallow water!


Jewel weightbearing correctly with her left arm! If only we could get that right arm down!

Smiling for the camera!

"Look no hands!"

Jewel did such a great job riding "cookie dough" yesterday!

When she rides by herself she likes wearing her helmet. Look at the way she is pushing off the horse with her hands to get that helmet on! :D


  1. Tell Jewel that I think she is very brave, because I'm scared to get up on horses! She makes it look easy, but I know it isn't.

    (P.S. Your sister-in-law sent me over. We have some things in common, you and I.)

  2. To Vani-

    If you click on Momo Fali, you can go to her blog. I love you!
