Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ohana means family

I’m Makena Gadient, the sister of Jeweliana a camper at Camp Imua, two time volunteer and have been fundraising for Camp Imua 2011 for the past 7 months.
I love Camp Imua because it changes lives. The biggest change is in the campers outlook on life. It gives each one a positive outlook on life and social experience, creates friends and builds bridges between the disabled and the abled. These kids matter and Camp Imua gives them a week of inclusion and friendship that isn’t based on ability, grade or money. Camp Imua supports families, and this experience helps bring these kids one step closer to reaching their full potential.
Camp Imua changes lives. Plain and simple.

Camp Imua by Raven, sister of Jewel;
It’s funny, you know, when the campers come up on the first day of camp, they’ll tell us, that they look forward to camp Imua more than Christmas… and I’ll tell you what, I think I look forward to camp more than Christmas as well.
It’s be hard to list all the amazing things about camp in only five minutes but I’ll try my best. 
My sister and I  volunteered for the first time back in 2009, when our youngest sister, Jewel decided to go to camp for the very first time.  We had heard about camp when she was younger and still receiving therapy from Imua, but we never followed through with it until 09; but our whole family is glad we did!
Jewel made her very first friend at Camp Imua, a little girl named Ava; not only did Ava and Jewel become friends during camp, but by hearing Ava’s story, (she’s had something crazy like, 32 surgeries by only 8 years old) inspired and encouraged us to get a surgery done that Jewel needed.
You watch kids grow and change while at camp, my camper last year, never talked, but when she came to camp Imua, she started talking.  That’s the kind of things you see happen at camp. 
Campers get to do all kinds of things they wouldn’t get to do, while at camp Imua, zip-lining, surfing, horseback riding, and much, much more.   The campers  look past all the things they can’t do, and look at all the things they can do while at camp Imua.  It helps them achieve their full potential, and aspire to keep going.
But I’ll end with this, if any of you have a list of things you have to do before you die, add volunteering for Camp Imua down on it.  Even if you don’t like working with kids, or you’re not a “camp person”, it will really change your life.  Seeing the love, and happiness that Camp Imua brings to the special needs kids on Maui, is just that, life changing.
Camp Imua is all about acceptance and seeing the campers as kids, not just as differently able, or challenged kids.  You see high school kids rise up and become the campers friends. Camp Imua connects you, the kids you work with at camp Imua, you see at the store like borders, or Costco, and mark my words, the don’t forget you, and you, you don’t forget them either. 

These are the words that Makena and Raven shared today at the United Way committee, and Jewel's smile said what she could not say!  I was so proud of my girls, the way they shared their light and their story.  I know they were very nervous and I was so proud of them.  You see Camp Imua is 'Ohana' and 'Ohana means family and family means that nobody gets left behind', from the movie Lilo and Stitch.  But this is true to life, and this is what I witnessed, we came to share a five minute testimony in gratitude and for Camp Imua.  The 'Aunties' that came from Imua Family Services, six or seven of them, board members and staff alike, all came to support the fundraising efforts for the children, "keiki" of Maui County so nobody gets left behind.  I was so proud to be a part of this Ohana, to do our small part helping raise awareness and funds.  It is good to be a part of my community. 

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