Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Simple pleasures.

5/17/11 Tuesday

We took Jewel to the horses, Cindy picked us up and it is good to see her and catch up.
We spoke about graduations, weddings and just the business of life in general.
Cindy has recently gotten married and her daughter is about to graduate from high school, both of our days are so busy and these rides to the horses give us some time to unload and just laugh.
We are always looking to find some meaningful balance, doing what we want and not just what we need to do.  I am trying to live in the present and savour each moment, this is my way of feeling grateful and fulfilled.  Raven and Cindy were trying to get me to lead Cookie Dough and I had to decline and feel okay about my decision.  I am most comfortable being a side walker at this time and I can not force myself to be what I am not.  I am not able to lead with confidence and ease.  Raven and Jewel rode for 30 minutes together.  Cookie Dough is looking good and eating well.  He walked nicely and did not do much tripping.  Someone came by earlier and weed-waked the area a couple of days ago, making it a lot easier to see where we were stepping.  Jewel reminded us that it is, " really hard".  It is hard work for Jewel to ride and keep pushing her trunk and head up and work on weight baring on her hands.  You would think that we would consciously be aware of this but we want so much for Jewel that at times we forget while we push her to do more, do better.  There was a moment when I realized that it was just as important for Jewel to just enjoy the moment and just enjoy her horse.  She loves Billy aka Cookie Dough and he loves her, this is the gift.  The perfect gift of love reciprocated.  Sometimes we loose sight of the simple pleasures and demand so much, always looking for the next gain.  Our lives are full of little gifts that we need to enjoy.

Simple Gifts was written by Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett, Jr. in 1848.     Simple Gifts
'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed.
To turn, turn will be our delight,
'Til by turning, turning we come round right
'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,
'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,

'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,
'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me",
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we'll all live together with a love that is real.

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