Monday, March 28, 2011

The power of hippo-therapy

3/28/11 Monday
Another inspiring hippo-therapy session.
First I would like to apologize for showing Jewel riding with out a helmet, I am still contemplating whether to keep the clip of her riding with out a helmet. Safety always first!
I think we gave up on the helmet because it was chocking Jewel too much, you know all those brains she has!
Also Jewel was riding bare back by her self and it was too much for her to lift up her head with helmet, she was choking a lot which was very concerning, discouraging and just scary!
Crystal the O/T came and we did a session with Cookie Dough. We groomed him and fed him a bit, then Crystal rode him to warm him up. Fed the other horse, washed the water trough out, topped up the water and wrote in the log.
Old horses tend to be arthritic and they need warming up. Jewel rode with Crystal for 35min.! It was wonderful in spite the old horse tripping often. Jewel rode so nicely with her helmet on, she said, " elp (help) head".
We worked on her base, diagonal movements, feeling the horse's gait under her legs, pushing her feet down, weight baring on arms, lifting her head tall, tracking with her eyes, giving Cookie Dough commands to "go Cookie Dough or walk on".
Today we discussed Jewel's reliance on us and what she has to gain or loose when she is not pushed, when she is babied, verses Jewel made to follow through on a task.
Crystal always encourages Jewel to stay positive and happy while working, since we will commence with the session so she might as well enjoy it and be happy. Crystal and Jewel work well together, there is a real relationship with a lot of respect. Jewel always comes around for Crystal unless Jewel is in real pain. Makena filmed today's session for us to learn from. I just can not imagine Crystal not being a part of our lives and come the end of April she will be gone, off on her next adventure. Thank you Crystal for all you have done for Jewel and all that you have taught us xx
What a difference from last thursday, 3/24/11.
Last thursday we did a hippo-therapy session, Jewel was under the weather, bit of an ear ache and just full of whinny.
A college student came to observe, she grew up with horses and has completed four years learning about the body and kinesiology.
Jewel was not motivated and if only that young lady could have seen today, what a difference.
The O/T brought lots of written information about occupational therapy in the school system and hippo-therapy to share with the college student. The questions and conversation shared was awesome, it is nice to see seeds planted and members of the community showing an interest in hippo-therapy.
Thank You Kandi for sharing Billy aka Cookie Dough with us. This is the only thing that helps with breaking Jewel's tone and gives her relief from her hip pain. Jewel has made many therapeutic and emotional gains being able to ride this wonderful horse. She got to feed one of the baby goats today, she was thrilled. Going to the horses has enabled Jewel to dream of riding in the fourth of July parade.

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