Sunday, March 6, 2011

persistent persuasion

3/6/11 Sunday
Jewel is still asleep, the hip adductor brace has given us all so many more moments of rest.
She went to bed say in "tank you umbrella", which means; mom I want an umbrella for my dolly and thank you for getting one. She did this for her brown leggings. She did not own brown leggings, yet every morning she would request her "brown leggings! please and tank you!" :)
She has figured out the art of persistent persuasion.
For the past week she has been saying, "cut hair", because her bangs/fringe seem to grow fast and get into her eyes. Her sisters love her hair long and were protesting this cut, they know that I am hopeless at cutting a straight line. I used to make Makena and Raven wear a striped shirt and I would attempt to follow the line on the shirt, still I would fail. Then for bangs I would put tape on their hair and follow the tape and still hopeless, it would always end up crooked. When the girls were old enough they got smart and grew out their bangs and just a couple of years ago they started getting their hair trimmed at an affordable family salon down the road. We all see Scott, he is the only male hair dresser at the salon. He cuts Jewels bangs and gives her hair a trim. The back she mostly handles, because she twirls her curls around her fingers so tightly that she can not release her finger and then out comes all the hair as she pulls her finger free. I first took Jewel to see Scott in January and they hit it off, she loved the large wall mirrors as well and felt like a big girl. I sit in the hair dresser's chair and he puts his bib around me, Jewel is in my lap and then he puts his silky brown bib with pink polka dots around her. I end up looking like a tow headed woman from Mars. He talks Jewel through the process, cuts fast and precise, he works around her floppy head. She has very weak neck muscles and it is hard for her to keep her head up straight and still like the rest of us, so I facilitate where needed. Raven sits in a chair near by complementing her sister. Jewel is all dimply smiles when the trim is over, now everyone can see her bright green eyes. The other hairdressers come by to compliment and praise, Jewel is just about jumping out of my lap from sheer joy, this attention she enjoys. The salon is small, holds x5 chairs, and has a maximum of three hair dressers and tow clients on a busy day, it is perfect for Jewel. They now know her and I always tip large because they have rocked her world!
Jewel is a minimalist at heart, she doesn't want much but will tell you when she like or wants something. She never clutters or overdoes a craft with her speech pathologist. She will chose x3 stickers at most and they will have to be tidy, even and symmetrical. I love this about her!
Our home is small, crowded, messy and eclectic.
Jewel has great taste and it has always been uniquely her own.
When I took the girls bathing suit shopping a few summers ago, there was a huge sale, Makena and Raven were trying on tons of swim suits and Jewel saw one and that was it. There was no convincing her otherwise, the pink suit she chose was not on sale, it was a Roxy, name brand. I ended up purchasing it for her, since I could not persuade her on another suite.
This morning is a long post so I will end.
I am grateful for this morning.
Jewel is waking.
Makena and Raven are still asleep.
Grace needs to go out and relieve herself.
My coffee is done.
I hope you know what swim suit you like and I hope you purchase it for yourself, we all deserve to feel beautiful and ware our favorite colors. :)

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