Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

44/24/11 Easter Sunday
Jewel woke up with another dry diaper, I've lost count how many days this is now!  Being free in panties during the day is awesome!  Saves money on diapers as well but a willing body must be around to take her to the bathroom.
Took the big girls and their friend to church and left Jewel out because she has a cough.
Trying to boost her immune system and weighing the pros and cons of getting her on antibiotics.
Jewel received a basket from the easter bunny, aka Aunty Alisa :) Thank you Alisa, actually it was for the whole family, pretty impressive.
Jewel dyed boiled eggs with Makena and the girls received a easter basket from me, a very slim basket compared to Aunty Alisa's basket.  I do not like giving the girls candy because it is not healthy, weakens the immune system and promotes tooth decay.  I usually give them all new toothbrushes, one candy and pens or art supplies.
Pat and Kandi invited us to their Easter picnic with friends and family, and we were happy to be included.
Thank you Kandi and Pat!!  It was a pot luck and they had a easter egg hunt for all the kids, Jewel was thrilled and yes she ate some chocolate.  She did not want to ride in front of all the children even though it would be perfect for the rodeo preparation.  We really need to work on Jewel's stamina on Cookie Dough.  I was proud of my family, we brought Jewel's wheel chair to the farm picnic and she wore her AFO's most of the day.  She also met two amazing boys who wear AFO's all day, every day!  (Ankle-foot orthoses, or AFOs)  The two boys did not have cerebral palsy, one has spina bifida and the other brittle bones, all of the children received their AFOs from Shriners Children's Hospital.  This is a free service from Shriners and they help children all over the world, check them out if your child needs some help with their legs / bones or with burns.   You can live in Russia, Malaysia, Japan, ... it does not matter, they will help your child with needed surgeries and braces.  Support Shriners financially if you can.    
She met a lot of people and a lot of children, we all had fun!
Jewel has an amazing appetite and ate through out the day.
We put a diaper on her since there are no bathrooms at the farm, she wore her diaper and when we got home it was dry!  We took her to the bathroom as soon as we got home, way to go Jewel!
She is watching TV right now, and she is in her wheel chair and in her AFO's, we are so proud of you Jewel.  Meeting these young boys who did not whine or cry inspired her to be braver and endure the discomfort of both her chair and AFO's.
Friends do a body good!
I have to let Jewel grow and baby her less and bless her by allowing her to grow in all areas.
I will always remember this Easter for all the gifts that have blossomed in my heart.
1 Corinthians 15:4


  1. Hi Sis,

    I have been keeping up with the blog, and read it everyday. Did you see some of the comments?
    I donʻt know what AFOs are. Halp?
    I have a little book I am sending to you.

    I love you all.

    Aunty Robin

  2. Aloha Robin :)
    I amended post with AFO info. xxx
